May 08, 2020

ePrivacy Regulation: What Is It and How Does It Affect Nonetheless, with this new e-privacy law, your organisation will need to ensure data is compliant or else could face a fine of up to EUR 20 million or 4% of the corporation’s annual revenue. This regulation still needs to be agreed between the European Parliament and the Member States. Expectation is to reach an agreement by the end of 2019. The EU ePrivacy Regulation (ePR) | IT Governance Ireland Because the Regulation is still in draft form, the DPC is yet to issue any guidance on compliance. We will update this page when that guidance is released. The ePR and the GDPR. The GDPR – and the new Irish Data Protection Act 2018 – apply to the processing of personal information. The ePR has been designed to complement the GDPR by e-Privacy Regulation | European Data Protection Board

The Presidency of the Council of the European Union ('the Presidency of the Council') released, on 6 July 2020, its discussion paper ('the Discussion Paper') on the proposed Regulation Concerning the Respect for Private Life and the Protection of Personal Data in Electronic Communications and Repealing Directive 2002/58/EC (Regulation on

The Regulation cannot be adopted until the Council of the EU has come to a position and the Council of the EU and the European Parliament have agreed on a text. The European Parliament is due to hold elections on 23–26 May 2019 and will thereafter appoint a new European Commission, which will begin its term of office from 1 November 2019.

Cookies Under E-Privacy Regulation: A Developing Story as

The e-Privacy Regulation: The Yin to GDPR’s Yang | APSIS The area that has been heavily discussed are the areas of tracking technologies, specifically cookies and cookie consents (I mean… the law is not known as the “cookie law” for nothing).. Tracking technologies are wonderful tools that could assist you in providing your customers with a more pleasant browsing experience, but there is still a huge gap in the market where companies are using